
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Canning: Blueberry Jam

Jam has got to be my favorite thing to EVER. Click for my Strawberry Jam, Orange Jam, and Squash Relish recipe, and linked up with images below. This one is very similar (same concept).

Click HERE for printable recipe

7 cups white sugar
6 cups blueberries
2 packages of pectin (3 oz each)
6 pint-size jars
[I doubled mine and got 13 pint jars made. Have 1 or 2 extra jars ready just in case.]
Boil a large pot of water with jars, lids and rims inside. If you don't want to put jars in the boiling water, sterilize through the dishwasher and then pour boiling water inside them to keep hot for next step.

Measure out 7 cups white sugar, set aside.
Measure out 6 cups of blueberries and pour them into large sauce pan. Start mushing them immediately [it gets harder with more liquid in it]. That's a technical word, right? Slowly stir in sugar and bring to a boil and stir until sugar has been dissolved.

Add pectin, boil hard for 1 minute, then let sit for 10 minutes off heat.
Dump water out of jars, and fill them with blueberry mixture, using a ladle. Wipe the threads clean and twist on lids and rims really tight. Turn the jars upside down for 5 minutes. [just enough time to clean the mess up]

The flip the jars back right-side-up and let cool for several hours. The lids will "pop" and you will know its sealed.

Click HERE for printable recipe

click HERE for printable canning tips


  1. Hi! thanks for stopping by! thats so amazing! I always wanted red hair like yours! i love you blog. i went on about 25 blogs yesterday and yours was the only one that made me really excited and want to come back! I feel a bit like i can relate to you! Do you have any ideas for a tea party baby shower? the theme is eco kind of thing. so all greens and browns and nutral colours? Busy planning it for a close friend and you have such nice ideas!

    Enjoy your day!

    Ps, can i mention you in my blog?


  2. Yum! I can't believe I've never made blueberry jam before, it looks so good :D

  3. Dear Carolyn...FYI, I have just pass you a sweet pass it on and share it to the world!

  4. Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your canning series! I've bookmarked it so that I can go back to it next year when we attempt canning. :o) I would have done it this year, but we've just got too much going on to add something else in. These are DEF gonna come ion handy for us next year though!

  5. That blueberry jam looks too good- thank you for the recipe!

    New follower :)

  6. I really want to get into canning or as my family calls it jarring. I made cloudberry jam with my grandmother before and I hopefully I'll get the time to start doing it again.

    I am a new follower from Super Stalker Sunday. I am now following you via GFC & Facebook. Please check out my blog at


  7. That looks amazing! I need to learn how to can! YUM!
    New follower from the hop! Would love a follow back! =)

  8. So many great canning recipes! I'm co-hosting Canning Week 2011 and would love for you to stop by and share some of your canning recipes! We're having a recipe contest and canning giveaways all week long!
    Jen @ Mess Hall to Bistro

  9. Thank you Thank you for the jam that you sent and the salsa!! TO DIE FOR! I cannot believe I have never tried either of them. I will be making the jam sometime this week and posting a link back here to your site for the recipe :)


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