
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!!

I usually have the worst luck with giveaways, so I'm so excited to share this one I recently entered. I had a whole post for it (click HERE to view). And I'm excited to share with ya'll now!

Thanks to Susan, and "The Old White Barn"

She has so many of little trinkets like that, so go check out her store! The spoons I got were called "Tin Woodsman" spoons. I'm in love with them already!

Thanks again, Susan!

Don't forget to enter your name DAILY in my giveaway! Link is below.


  1. I'm so pleased you like them - they should be great for years to come!

    Thanks for the shout out - I love a happy winner!

    Best wishes,


  2. Congrats on the win! Those are really cool looking!! I won my first giveaway a month or so ago and was so freakin' excited! I never win anything!! :o)

  3. Thanks for joining me on Social Parade Follow on Friday on Smart and Trendy Moms , I am a follower and liked you on Facebook too! Hope to make you a liker and follower as well! Have a great day...
    Smart and Trendy Moms

  4. Hello, I'm a new gfc follower of your blog :)


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