
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Zucchini Bread

As the summer vegetables are going out of season and fall ones are coming in, I often look for ways to preserve those delicious veggies to use year around. I've shown ya'll how to freeze parsley already, and now I'll show you how to save your zucchini.

I went to the farmer's market and got about 9 medium sized zucchini for $1. They were a little beat up and not that pretty, so I wouldn't use them for sides that required them to be "pretty." But I've made some zucchini bread that is to die for, seriously, and it used the zucchini bread shredded up. You can also use shredded zucchini in other dishes (if you have a picky eater) to hide the veggie .

Anyway, It comes down to this: shred the zucchini up, and freeze. I got about 16 cups of shredded zucchini from my lot at the farmers market. Most recipes call for 2 or 4 cups shredded zucchini, so freeze them in those amounts. Most of my bags were 2 cup quantities, and 1 of them was a 4-cup quantity. Kinda think about what you want to use it for, and freeze accordingly.

And here is the amazing zucchini recipe I mentioned above. You can also make the bread and then freeze the loafs as well. I don't have a good picture of the bread, mainly because it didn't last long enough to grab my camera. Yup, its that good.

Zucchini Bread
click HERE for printable recipe
3 eggs
2 cups sugar
1 cup crisco oil
2 cups shredded zucchini
2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp baking powder
3 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup pecans, chopped

Preheat oven at 325 degrees F.

Slightly beat the eggs. Add sugar and crisco. Beat well. Add shredded zucchini and vanilla.

In a different medium bowl, mix flour baking soda and baking powder, salt and cinnamon.

Mix both mixtures together and add the pecans.

Grease 2 loaf pans and evenly divide mixture. Bake at 325 degrees F for 1 hours. Remove from oven and let them cool on wire rack for 10 minutes. Remove from pans and enjoy!

click HERE for printable recipe

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