
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Apple Chips (HCG Friendly)

Remember those huge bushels of apples I picked a week or so ago? This was one thing I made with all those darn apples. I had to figure this out, and its a touch-and-go way of cooking. Why? It all depends on how think you slice the apples! Mine were on the "thicker" side, so it took a lot longer to make. So keep an eye on them, and trust your cooking instincts!


A hand full of apples
optional: cinnamon and sugar

Slice the apples (the thicker, the longer they will have to cook)

Place slices on a single layer on parchment paper on top of a cookie sheet

Sprinkle with sugar (I used stevia, it was great!) and cinnamon

Cook on a very low degree (250 degrees F) for a few hours (mine took more like 5 to 6 hours). Pull them out when they are crisp!

Store in an air-tight container (to keep them crisp)--they should last about 1-1/2 to 2 weeks.

*These are HCG Friendly!*
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