
Monday, October 17, 2011

German Apple Strusel

I don't like making any kind of dough--including pie finding something "in a box" makes me REALLY happy! I found this at the commissary and I couldn't wait to try it out. The box calls for a can of fruit pie filling or you can add fresh fruit. I decided to go with apples...after all, I do have a few bushels left...



6-7 red apples (I used Gala and they were great!!), peeled, cored and chopped
4 tablespoons sugar
1-1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 stick butter (room temperature)
1 egg

Follow the instructions on the box to make the crumb mixture (this uses the butter and egg).

[do first] For the filling: In a big bowl, combine chopped apples with sugar and cinnamon in a big bowl and stir to get them all covered, and let sit while you make the rest.

Press 2/3 of dough on the bottom of a spring-form pan, and a little up the edges. Then pour in the filling and then add the rest of the crumble mixture on the top! Bake in 350 for 1 hour (the box said 40-50 minutes, but it wasn't near long enough for me--keep an eye on the top and cook it until its slightly brown).

So, if you see this box--grab it--trust me on that one. Enjoy!



  1. Oh yum! I swear I saw this at the commissary the other day, too. Now I must go back and pick that box up so I can try this!

  2. Carolyn, This is one gorgeous looking German Apple Streusel! Dr. Oester products are very reliable, but your execution takes the cake. Brava!


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