
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Restaurant Review: Southern Spice (4/5)

After attending the Chapel on Sundays, we have been going out to lunch with our friends and all the members of the family. We are, after all, one big giant Army family! This past Sunday, it was suggested for us to try out this little hole-in-the-wall place called "Southern Spice."

Southern Spice Cafe
St. Robert, MO

4 out of 5 stars

My husband has been many times for lunch, which is usually served "cafe" style and you buy an actually plate of food, your choice from menu. Well, when we went, it was the 1st Sunday of the month, and they were open and it was just by donations. The lunch was more "buffet line" service, and I was pretty skeptical. However, we loaded all 20 of us in this little restaurant and enjoyed an INCREDIBLE lunch, Southern-Style.

My adorable friend, Michelle, with the "buffet line" behind her.
Isn't she just beautiful? =D
They served fried chicken, mac-n-cheese, green beans, corn and cornbread. I'm telling you, I have NOT eaten a better southern meal like we did this day. It was nothing fancy looking, but the flavor said it all. Not to mention the employees  we so sweet and caring-- like a "gospel church" type of feeling. We loved it. And not one of us had any food left on our plates when we left--even the kids!

My friend Ashleigh is the one in the green shirt--I
don't think she knew I took this picture! LOL
(And my kids are the 2 redheads)
So we WILL be going back to this place, we have a few lunch dates set up to meet there already. You can click HERE to see their web page and it has their hours they are open. They also do catering, and I will totally use them for a Program Day at the Chapel! Whoohooo!

Also, if you don't like being in tight quarters with people you possibly might not know you, just be warned: its a small place. If it was just me and the kids, I probably wouldn't go--however, give me a few friends and I'm all in! (that is why I give it 4/5 stars)

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