
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Blogger Problems

Hey friends! So, Blogger sent me a message that I cannot follow more than 300...? Is there a way to change this, or am I stuck? PLEASE HELP!

So in the  meantime, if i posted a comment on you that I was following, and you number didn't increase (haha) its me. I haven't forgotten, just trying to figure out a solution.

This is so aggravating!

I'm beyond frustrated. I apologize now if i've "unfollowed" you...I'm trying to subscribe more, and less "follow"....I dunno. This is giving me a headache.

So leave a comment if i'm not following you anymore and you would like me to.


  1. Well that's a new one..*scratches head*I don't know perhaps ask if you are on twitter?

  2. That's crazy. How on Earth are you following 300 blogs???

  3. Well that's just odd. Hopefully you can figure that out!

    Found you on the Welcome Wednesday Blog Hop!


Thank you for commenting! I appreciate and read each one of them!