
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Shark Cupcakes

Last week was VBS [Vacation Bible School] for my kiddos. They had a wonderful time! I helped out in the crafts area and had a lot of fun too. Volunteers were need to bring in snacks and food and such for the volunteers. So I said I'd bring in cupcakes. Yup, another chance to express my creativity! Not to mention they were a huge hit and didn't last but and hour. That is always a great ego booster!


Again, I just used a delicious box cake mix for the cupcakes (yellow butter cake). White frosting with blue food coloring for the frosting "waves." White chocolate and semi-sweet chocolate for the "waves," "sea shell" and "shark fin." And then I used a powdered donuts (use a spoon to make the "bite" mark) for the life preserver and red food gel for the strips. Graham cracker crumbs for the "sand."

Be creative with it! I really enjoyed making these. I'm sure there is a more "professional" way to create these, but I didn't have a lot of time and it was just for fun.

Anyone notice my little detail of the colored paper cups? Blue for the water and yellow for the land! I know, crazy. But thats me!


  1. Cute. RE: your comment on my blog about me posting on Tues. for Wordless Wednesday: I know. LOL. The hostess and other participants post on Tuesday. Many/most hostesses post the day before for some reason, and especially since I live in California, the timezone difference makes me have to post earlier. Plus, as you saw, I'm also participating in several Tuesday tea parties. :-)

  2. Now Following you from Super Stalker Sunday Blog Hop

    Please follow me back Evoluchun's Miscellaneous


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