
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Heaven in a Single Bite"

I saw these all over (on Pinterest, of course)....
And I just HAD to give these bad boys a try...
...and I named them more "appropriately" as well

Did I mention you don't need to be a novice to make these?? Really, all from a box....


1 box brownie mix (with ingredients called for)
1 tub cream cheese icing
12 pack of Ferrero Rocher chocolates (each one cut in half)
chopped almonds

Make brownie batter and pour into a mini muffin tin. Cook for about 20 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean. IMMEDIATELY press 1/2 piece of chocolate into the brownie and let cool for 10 minutes. [yields about 24-32 miniature brownies--so get more chocolates, or use the extras in a different recipe]

Carefully remove brownies from the muffin tin, and let cool on wire rack.

When brownies are completely cool, top with s dollop of icing and sprinkle with chopped almonds.

THERE. Heaven on a stick. Now don't eat That defeats the purpose of making them for a lunch group ...

What was I saying? Oh yes...also prepare to spend the night on the tredmil.

So don't let me keep popping your bubble...go ENJOY!
.....oooo look at the inside!
I used a whole chocolate on this one...
but to make them go farther, cut in half!


  1. Oh my, my!!! These look so good and one of my favorite candies too :) Thanks for sharing, I can't wait to make them!

  2. wow! you are just so awesome! Love this....I don't have a treadmill but I guess I'll be running around the house a few hundred times! My poor neighbors must think I'm insane! I started a link party at my blog and I'd love for you to link this up. If you're interested it's Have a lovely day, Maria

  3. Oh they look like heaven! You are so talented!

  4. You MUST be trying to kill me!
    These look absolutely ridiculously yummy.
    I'll definitely be trying these soon! It will be hard not too.

    Rachel C


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