Sunday, June 19, 2011

FB & 200 Followers GIVEAWAY!

First with the good news--I've created a page on FaceBook for Cookin' for my Captain! Thank you to all my friends and fans who have giving me the courage to take it to the next level.  My facebook platform is on the left column if you would like to take a look!
Thanks AGAIN to everyone! I honestly never thought I would make it this far in such a short time. I really appreciate each and every one of you and all the lovely comments! I wanted to do this sooner, but had no idea what to do until now.

I'm giving away.....

Kit Includes:
  • Chocolate Cake Mix
  • Foil Cupcake wrappers
  • Black Icing
  • Bag of Hot Tamales
  • Bag of Mike-n-Ikes
  • Bag of Caramels with cream centers
  • Orange Sprinkles
  • Toothpicks
Enter your name and email once...DAILY! Giveaway is now open and will close on Saturday night (June 25th) at 11:59pm Central Time Zone. Entries available to the US only (sorry, it's only because of the shipping!)

Don't forget to submit your name and email every day! Winner will be chosen at random and will be posted on June 26, 2011.  Goodluck!


    Kim-A Creative Spirit said...

    I would LOVE to win this wonderful gift.... I wasn't sure if to enter you joined the linky or left a comment........ so I did both....

    Email should be imbedded in my comment but is

    Crafty Mommy Diva said...

    Super cute cupcakes! I'd love to try making these.

    diva2129 at yahoo dot com

    Amy said...

    How exciting.

    Anonymous said...

    Stopping by and following your blog from the alexa hop :) Have a great week

    Skinnie Piggie said...

    How fun!!! I'd love to win.

    Laura Lowe said...

    Adorable! I'd love to win!

    I'm a new follower from the Alexa hop. Would love to have you visit and/or follow at either of my blogs: http://EverythingBeautifulInItsTime is a family blog, and is a blog for piano parents and piano teachers.

    Tara said...


    tarapwin @

    Kelsey Apley said...

    How Fun!

    kelseylouiseapley at gmail dot com

    Laurie said...

    Would love to win!

    Mehera said...

    super cute! I love things like this!

    ortizm18 AT gmail DOT com

    Mama on a Green Mission said...

    Very cute idea!

    gr812_2000 at yahoo dot com

    fantastically frugal said...

    would love to win this!

    Modern Mama Reviews said...

    Would lovee to win!

    Kelly Bratt

    Modern Mama Reviews said...

    Daily entry!

    Kelly Bratt

    Shooting Stars Mag said...

    oh gosh, this would be great.


    lauren51990 at aol dot com

    Modern Mama Reviews said...

    Daily entry

    Kelly Bratt

    Anonymous said...

    These are SO cute! I love cupcake decorations that look like something else. :)

    Anonymous said...

    These are so cute!
    stroker881 at hotmail dot com

    Morgan said...

    So cute! I'd love it!

    Morgan Edger

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