Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


I'm lookin forward to the 4th of July festivities! This picture was taken at sunset on the "Missouri Showboat" that we went on a few weeks back. Best flag picture I've ever taken!

Blog Hops....



Kristen @ My 3 Little Kittens said...

Beautiful Picture! (Kristen from My 3 Little Kittens) ♥ said...

Love the picture. :)

New follower...would love to have you visit me at

Have a great day! :)


Anonymous said...

beautiful photo!

New blog follower! Come follow back and enter my great giveaways!

Shabby Chic Mom said...

what fantastic picture!

following you from i love blogging hop! would love a follow back and say hello

Shabby Chic Mom said...

what fantastic picture!

following you from i love blogging hop! would love a follow back and say hello

Chestnut Grove Academy said...

beautiful pic! Thanks for stopping by...I love the 4th of July :D

Christy said...

I love that shot.

BrendaC said...

Just hoppin by from Welcome Wednesday to become your newest GFC follower. Love your patriotic blog background. I am anxious to try out some of your recipes. Drop by and check out my blog at when you get a chance. Have a fantastic week!

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Always love our American flag. We're looking forward to the 4th of July weekend too. Enjoy!

aimee said...

That is a beautiful photo! Great shot!

Unknown said...


kewkew said...

Thanks for linking up at Tots and Me. That is an awesome shot.

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