
Monday, June 18, 2012

O Olive Oil Recipe Review

eRecipeCards has given me an opportunity to compete in a contest from O Olive Oil. Dave, creator of eRecipeCards, designed a website where you can upload recipes, share, like other recipes, and keep it organized just like you would on your own recipe book. I'm a "blue ribbon" contributor from being there from almost the beginning, and consistently adding my recipes. The photos do not have to be professional or magazine quality either! Check them out:

I also want to thank O Olive Oil for the contest! There were so many submissions, they are going to have a hard time deciding the winners. They are giving away almost $1000 in prizes, and I'm really crossing my fingers that I would be one of them.

Here is a run-down on the recipes I've posted for O Olive Oil and their competition. Click on image to see the full recipe!

I hope you have enjoyed these recipes as much as I enjoyed making them! O Olive Oil now has a permanent place in my pantry. You can find them in Whole Foods, which I will be visiting next time I'm in a big city. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness these look amazing! I'm gonna have to try one of these soon. I'm doing a series called From Your Kitchen to Mine and I'd love to feature you! I'm becoming a follower so I can stay updated on all you do :)


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