Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wordless Wednesday {{linky}}

This past weekend we had the honor to join our Command teams in the Battalion in Kansas City for weekend full of activities! Saturday was the highlight. The KC Chiefs are in the middle of their training camp practices so we were treated like family, given a personal tour of the campus where they are practicing. In the end, our group was honored on the field before practices began. It was sooooo cool!

I got to meet some "famous" players and owners, but my hubby is the sports fan....I'm horrible at remembering names. Haha

BELOW: Guy in the yellow is a coach, guy in grey shirt is a player
Help me out if you know their names!! My hubby is the one on the right end.

The PR team also "tweeted" about us that day while we were getting the tour!

~Please follow Cookin' for my Captain via GFC, FaceBook or Networks Blog!
~Leave a comment if you're a new follower, so I can return the follow!
~Grab the WW button if you want to...
...and add your "Wordless Wednesdays" up below!


stevebethere said...

Thank you for sharing these :-)

Have a good week

Theresa Mahoney said...

Very cool! My brother is a huge KC fan, so he would be wicked jealous :)

Unknown said...

How neat! It looks like you had a great time!

Bree @ Twinkle in the Eye said...

Love the blog makeover!

An Apel a Day said...

That's only a few hours from where I live. I bet you have an amazing time.


Unknown said...

Lovely pictures of a good time! Thanks for hosting. I am now a new Follower of your Blog.

Catch My Words said...

I love the new look of your blog and that you got to meet some VIPs.


Create With Joy said...

Great pics - and I LOVE your new header and site makeover! :-)

The Mommy said...

You were in my neck of the woods! Go Chiefs!

BTW LOVE the new digs. Very cute.

momto8 said...

looks like fun!! good for you!

Ai Sakura said...

Yes lovely pics and new header!! :)

Unknown said...

Your blog is ::so cute:: I love the new design!! She did a great job capturing your spirit and keeping the feel. Your hubs has a very nice 'parade rest', lol! I love some of the ways the military can hooks people up with cool stuff- what a neat treat! (Even if you're the same as me and don't even know who the heck those people are. ;) See you next week, mama! <3


Paula said...

Sounds like you had an amazing day! I love your new blog design. I've always loved the color combo of blue and red ~ pretty!!

Happy WW!

Unknown said...

Oh how cool! What a blast that had to have been!

Unknown said...

looks like an awesome day!!

Lisa Boyle said...

I am a new follower of your blog. So glad to find you. I am also a soldier's wife. :-) Thanks for hosting. Glad to linkup. I host a recipe linkup on Tuesdays. Maybe you could join in sometime. Many blessings, Lisa :-)

Mimi N said...

No clue who the player is. lol I'm not so great with names unless they're really popular and a Vikings player. =) Looks like a great time!

yeewittlethings said...

Oh so cool!! I would have loved that opportunity as well...I"m a huge NFL fan :)...Seattle Seahawks though hehe ;)

Fashion Momma said...

Wonderful pics.

My WW.

AnnMarie Brown said...

Looks like a great day!

XmasDolly said...

Yes, my granddaughter loves to play baseball - it's not softball. She's a tomboy just like her NaNee was, but she's good I mean really good & she's a daddy's girl and daddy devotes a lot of time to his little girl too. Thanks for the invite over & following me, and I'd love to follow you back, but I already follow you. hehehee Love you Post thanks for sharing all your great memories in the making.

Anonymous said...

I'm a new follower and have linked up, thanks for hosting. I look forward to reading more.


Ms POSH said...

Looks like a good time!

Have a great WW.

Unknown said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Being in the military definitely has its perks! I love when we get to do cool stuff like meet famous people :)

Unknown said...

How awesome! I love when our military are supported in awesome ways like this! Thank you for sharing and linking up at Simply Helping Him! Blessings!

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

So very sweet, the support you give your husband, I'm certain he really appreciates you and all that you do.

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