Tuesday, October 2, 2012



More foster kitties....

"Mr Grey" (the grey one...duh) went back to the shelter to be adopted...he got big enough! Bitter-sweet moment. =) But another one did come back...his name is "Cujo." He's a orange and white tabby, less than 4 weeks old. So tiny! Time to fatten him up!

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Carrie said...

Oh so so adorable!! I love kitties! Happy WW!

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said...

So cute!!!

My Organized Chaos

stevebethere said...

They look so cute together

NanaHood said...

Cool Cats! Hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

Those pics are oh so cute!

Monica said...

They are both adorable! We love kitties and would love to add two kittens to our house. We had 2 cats but one passed away in the spring and the little one left is very lonely and misses her buddy :(

Ai Sakura said...

they are so adorable!

Ai @ Sakura Haruka

Unknown said...

Cute cats! Thanks for hosting.

Paula said...

Such cute kitties! Your very kind to foster them :)

Dominique Goh said...

They look so cute asleep!!

Bernie said...

Awwww..... Very cute!!!

Mines up as well at AussiePomm - Melbourne and a Footy Grand Final

Have a great day!!

enthusiastically, dawn said...

I just adore your kitty photos- always adorable!

Kristin Aquariann said...

Awww, what cute kitty poses!! ^.^

♥ aquariann
Featured Photo: Candy Bar Cake

Theresa Mahoney said...

So sweet! They are definitely growing!

The Mommy said...

What sweet babies. It so great that you help them in this way. Way to go!

Unknown said...

Awww So sweet!

The Sleepy Dreamer said...

I worked at a German Shepherd breeder, so we took a puppy home before to fatten it up. And once I let her out on the deck, and went out there and could not find her. So I was freaking out, and finally thought maybe she fell of the deck, and could not see her from the deck. So I decided to go and look outside, I opened the door, to find her pawing on the door. Apparently she knew just what to do. A very smart dog.

Daily Waffle said...

Fab photo and you do have a fab job helping.

You should feel very proud :)

mail4rosey said...

I didn't know there was foster care for kitties, how cool!

Unknown said...

I love kitty cats :) I have linked up for the first time and I'm your newest follower, thanks for the link-up.


Anonymous said...

too bad they don't stay that small... wouldn't that be cool? A perpetual kitten!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

He's a foster? He is going to make someone SO happy in a few weeks!

Unknown said...

Aaaawww they are so cute!!!

Dee Dee said...

So cute!! Don't you with they could stay that adorable for longer?

Self Sagacity said...

those photos are just adorable. of course you knew that. :-)

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