Guess what else? Its my BIRTHDAY this week! So it makes this giveaway EVEN BETTER! Well, to me it does. =)
Thanks to my friend Jessica with High Heels and Honeysuckles,
we will be giving away one free personalized water bottle to the first place winner!

You will get to choose what you'd like on it--from pictures to lettering--anything! This is a great idea for kids going back to school, or maybe to just keep cool with all this heat!
BUT WAIT! [do I sound like Billy Mays yet?] There will be a 2ND WINNER too! 2nd Place winner will get a free month of advertising on Cookin for my Captain!
~Giveaway ends on Thursday 25th at 11:59pm. Winner will be selected and announced on Friday!
~Limited to US & Canada (sorry, I should've made this clear at the start), if buying additional items, worldwide can be discussed with owner/creator
So here's how to enter...
- Follow Cookin for my Captain via GFC [1 entry, leave comment; let me know if you are a new follower so I can follow you back]
- Follow High Heels and Honeysuckles via GFC [1 entry, leave comment on here and on HH&H if you want her to follow back] and tell what you would like on the water bottle
- "Like" Cookin for my Captain on FaceBook [1 entry]
- "Heart" HH&H on Etsy [1 entry]
- Post on Facebook about this giveaway [2 entries- leave the link in a comment]
- Stumble Upon publicly "Cookin for my Captain" (+1) [2 entires]
- Stumble Upon publicly "High Heels & Honeysuckles" (+1) [2 entries]
- Blog about this giveaway [5 entries, leave link]
Congratulations on the milestone! YAY!!
I found you through the hop, and am now following you.
If you like hops, please click the link under my header for a page that lists over 300 hops, some for each day of the week. And if you know of some I'm missing, please let me know!
Have a great day!
In Him We Live & Move & Have Our Being
Congratulations! :)
Congratulations! and thanks for stopping by.
I follow you on GFC
I follow High Heels and Honeysuckles on GFC.
I like you on Facebook.
I "heart" HH&H on Etsy.
I shared it on Facebook. http://cookinformycaptain.blogspot.com/2011/08/400-followers-2-winners-giveaway.html
#2 I shared it on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=247364015294342&id=100000663134715
I blogged about it, http://ellagunter.blogspot.com/2011/08/give-away-at-cookin-for-my-captain.html
#2 I blogged about it, http://ellagunter.blogspot.com/2011/08/give-away-at-cookin-for-my-captain.html
#3 I blogged about it, http://ellagunter.blogspot.com/2011/08/give-away-at-cookin-for-my-captain.html
#4 I blogged about it, http://ellagunter.blogspot.com/2011/08/give-away-at-cookin-for-my-captain.html
#5 I blogged about it, http://ellagunter.blogspot.com/2011/08/give-away-at-cookin-for-my-captain.html
Thanks for letting me know about your giveaway :) I'm following you on GFC!
So, I went over and checked out High Heels and Honeysuckles.....Cute! And I'm following her as well on GFC.
Happy Birthday, BTW!
I'm a gfc follower!! Congrats on the 400!!
I'm a gfc follower of HHH! I would love pink and black polka dots with an A for the initial!
Kortney @ Kortney's Krazy Life
I hearted HHH on Etsy!
I like you on FB!
Kortney Ewing
Congrats on 400!
I follow via GFC Stevie @ Moore Babies
I Follow High Heels and Honeysuckles via GFC.
I like Cookin' for my Captain on FB (user - Moore Babies)
I'm a follower!
Congratulations on reaching 400 followers! I hope to reach that number someday! I am currently a follower, but am heading over to High Heels and Honeysuckles as well!
Officially following High Heels and Honeysuckles now!
Monica @ theatypicalhousewife.com
Congrats on 400 followers. I follow you on facebook.
I also follow you on GFC.
I am a GFC follower of yours.
I am a GFC follower of High Heels and Honeysuckles.
I am a facebook fan of yours.
I hearted on of HH & H's water bottles on Etsy.
Thank you so much for this give away. Like the water bottles creativity a lot.
I followed Cookin for my Captain via GFC!
Hair Bow Making for Beginners
I followed High Heels and Honeysuckles via GFC! and I would like the black polka dots with an M for the initial!
Hair Bow Making for Beginners
I liked Cookin for my Captain on FaceBook!
Hair Bow Making for Beginners
Follow Cookin for my Captain via GFC
Follow High Heels and Honeysuckles via GFC
"Like" Cookin for my Captain on FaceBook
I follow via GFC
laprochaine at gmail dot com
I follow High Heels via GFC and I would like a cross on my bottle :D
laprochaine at gmail dot com
I like you on FB
laprochaine at gmail dot com
GFC follow both blogs *heavensent1*...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom
Like you on FB *Jennifer C.*
Hearted the Esty shop *RedPillPlease1*
Stumbled #1... http://www.stumbleupon.com/url/cookinformycaptain.blogspot.com/2011/08/400-followers-2-winners-giveaway.html
Stumbled #2... http://www.stumbleupon.com/url/cookinformycaptain.blogspot.com/2011/08/400-followers-2-winners-giveaway.html
Stumbled High Heels #1... http://www.stumbleupon.com/url/heelsandhoneysuckles.blogspot.com/
Stumbled High Heels #2... http://www.stumbleupon.com/url/heelsandhoneysuckles.blogspot.com/
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