Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday {{linky}}


I had an "Open House" this past weekend. I made a bunch of little samples of a few of my favorite recipes. I had an amazing group of friends who came through and just had a blast. I'm hoping to do this at least once a month. =)

Wordless Wednesday with Take it from Me
I <3 Blogging
Wordless and Wonderful Wednesdays
Welcome Wednesday
Home of Wordless Wednesdays...and many more! 
Please follow Cookin' for my Captain via GFC!~Grab the WW button if you want to...
...and add your "Wordless Wednesdays" up below!


kewkew said...

Would love to know what all you served. Looks like a great "spread"

Faythe said...

You wouldn't have to twist my arm to come test out your goodies! Good job & presentation!

Kim-A Creative Spirit said...

Isn't it fun to have folks over.... love the tasting samples......

Be sure to stop by www.acreativespirit.com often as EVERY comment during a month is an entry in a drawing for a Gift card to your favorite craft or home improvement store. WOO HOO.

Anonymous said...

How awesome is that. Very cool.

Amy said...

I would love to do something like this! Unfortunately I mostly stink at cooking. I am pretty good at baking though. Le sigh, I can only successfully make bad for me things ;D

Unknown said...

I want to come to your house!! Sounds like so much fun!!

Kristin Aquariann said...

You're adorable! The Open House sounds like it was full of tasty fun.

-:¦:- WW: Purple Rose of Sharon -:¦:-

Fashion Momma said...

Sounds like fun!

Ai Sakura said...

looks like a good feast! lucky friends you have :)

Ai @ Sakura Haruka

WhyWeLoveGreen said...

Looks so wonderful! Glad you had a great time!

Good Girl Gone Green said...

All that food looks so yummy!

Amy @ BabyBabyLemon said...

Looks like fun!

Tina said...

Thank you for stopping by and following my blog.
I've been a follower of your blog for a while now. My blogger feed doesn't always show me the updated blogs. I think I need to start going down the list instead!
I'll be back to read more!

Unknown said...

Looks like you had some great stuff - would love to know what your favs are and see some more pics!!

Rhonda Albom said...

Sounds like a delicious party. Happy Wordless Wednesday :)

Unknown said...

invite me!!! :)

Lauren Wayne said...

What a fabulous idea! I love the free-ness of open houses.

Verena said...

Carolyn, this looks really good! I wish, I could have come to your open house, too! But it´s just a little to far away. ;)
I´d like to thank you for linking up and for your very sweet comment on my blog! You made my day!
I´ve read that your husband is in the Army. Were you all ever stationed in Germany?

Have a happy WW!

Quirky Homemaker said...

The open house sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks for the linky!

Kaili Williams said...

Wow, what an impressive spread! :)


Jordan Marie @ hottlt.com said...

thank you for hosting!
looks so yummy!
wish i could have been there! lol


Just Another Mom of Twins said...

Looks De-licious!

Inspired by eRecipeCards said...

I am going to second the menu post for the spread

Beth said...

That is such an awesome idea!

Evelyn said...

Oh my gosh, are you kidding me? I'm so insanely impressed!

Green Mama said...

Wow, looks like you were busy!

Anonymous said...

LOvely, GFC newest follower stop by at http://moderngirllife.blogspot.com/2011/08/wordless-wednesday.html

The New Me said...

Your open house sounds great! I'm sure your friends loved all the good food! I'm a new follower from the "Get Wired Wednesday" blog hop. I'd love for you to visit my blog - http://totallyreinventingme.blogspot.com!

Anonymous said...

I bet you throw an awesome party! That food looks awesome - so many choices and samples! Love it!!

Tina´s PicStory said...

Thanks for your e-mail. I´ve put your button on my list of *Photo Challenges*. If you like you can also take my button :)

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